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We believe that the only way to empower CHILDREN and YOUTH is through Education. We see Education as the main instrument to reduce poverty in a sustained manner, the only way to break the cycle of generational poverty.

Through the
Education Support Program by THF, we want to guarantee, through local partnerships, access to food and education for all children and young people who are in a critical and vulnerable situation, to prevent school dropout and stop the cycle of poverty in which they find themselves. 
We cannot neglect the guarantee of basic support for children, young people and their families or caregivers, as it has a decisive influence on the success of any program in the medium term. On the other hand, it is essential to protect children and young people, who, because they are in a situation of extreme vulnerability, may be victims of violence and child exploitation, either through orphanages that are real businesses that unfortunately continue to be sought by volunteers, but also in prostitution, begging and forced labor. 
The Program has 3 lines of action:

Family or Caregivers

Extra School


Public School

GOAL: Avoid school dropout and encourage and empower children and young people in poverty and vulnerable condition.


1. Tuek Vil Commune, Siem Reap - Cambodia


1. Veasna Tong | English Education Center For Community (EECFC)

FUNTION: Responsible for all planning and for the management and distribution of funds. Responsible also for making the necessary bridge between the Family or Caregivers and also with the Public school. He is also responsible for monitoring children in his place, for listening and analyzing the children's progress and difficulties, as well as finding ways to encourage them to attend to school, being permanently an example to them and sharing in a positive and realistic view the opportunities that available now to them.


- Daily extra-school support (1hour / 6 times per week at public school)

- Support for children's food whenever the need is highlighted
- Support for school supplies and school uniforms (mandatory) 
- Contact with the public school 
- Resolution of issues related to children's documentation (also necessary for access to public school)
- Incentive to Hygiene care and Health care whenever necessary


START DATE: December 2020

DESCRIPTION: We started the Program with 3 Children, brothers: Nou (12 years old), Niem (10 years old) and Nouch (6 years old).
The father passed away in November 2020, the mother Sophia has no work and has several dependencies. This family has no home and they usually sleep with family members or villagers. In January 2020 we managed to drop the two girls off at public school. With the Pandemic, the public school in Cambodia has already had two interruptions, and after the death of her father, Nim was sent to another city to take care of family members.


At the beginning of February, one lady from the community went to Veasna's school to request help so that her grandsons did not stop affording public school, as they are orphans after their both parents passed away. Mariny (F, 8 years old) and Sak (M, 10 years old) are now also under the THF Education Support Program with EECFC follow-up and support.

We, therefore, intend that children have access to food, school supplies and start attending the EECFC space in order to advance as much as possible not only in terms of programmatic knowledge but also to be stimulated with didactic and recreational activities to feel motivated to continue.

Our main goal is to reach all children in this village (and in this community) who, because they live in conditions of extreme poverty and vulnerability, and without solutions, would not have the opportunity and access to public schools. That is why we assume that as we work on this Program, and fine-tune the methodology whenever necessary, we also intend to integrate more children under it.

We also intend to ensure a form of self-support for the program coordinator, in this specific case for Veasna, and for his activity as a teacher and promoter of education for the most deprived children in the village and in the community.

In total, we have now 9 kids + 1 teenager having extra school support at Public School with our support.



a) EXTRA SCHOOL SUPPORT: 7.5€ monthly / per child

b) PARTNER: 15$ monthly (we contribute with the payment of his school internet bill)

c) EXTRAS: school supplies + uniforms + shoes + hygiene material + other items


10 kids - 7.5$ per child/month = 75$

We do not intend to create any sponsorship systems, and for this reason, we will always use Project's Global Funds as we do for any initiative. 

Because we really want to replicate the Education Support Program, and with the full awareness that it will be one of our great challenges, it is essential now to work on creating a Flexible Model that brings together a set of instructions that will make it sustainable, that it covers all the needs for access to public education, the guarantee of food at school and to the family, and a sequence of work that should be done so that, in the medium term, autonomy and self-support are allowed to all the actors in all process.

We appreciate your help, your precious contribution sharing and with ideas and solutions.

It will always be given that we will receive most. 

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